So much free time and zero commitments – not too long ago, this seemed like nothing but a dream.
In the past, you’ve probably scoffed at the idea of squeezing in some “me time.” But now, with the ECQ, you’ve got all the time in the world at home – so why not go revisit the therapeutic hobbies that once brought you great joy and satisfaction, or better yet, start a new one?
Here are several fun suggestions of relaxing hobbies to keep you happily busy at home – and of course, they’ll keep you calm, cool, and composed, too!

1. Gardening
Even while quarantined at home, there are still opportunities to commune with nature. If you have access to an outdoor area, use your time to soak in the morning sunshine and grow a vegetable garden. Choose something low-maintenance and easy to tend to. We recommend an herb garden – simple enough to grow and perfect to season your dishes with!

2. Coloring
Remember when adult coloring books were all the rage? Although the trend has come and gone, the act of coloring still proves to be extremely therapeutic. If you’ve been stressed out or anxious lately, going back to your childhood pastime is a relaxing way to ease the mind, paving the way for clarity and calmness. It’s also a great mindfulness outlet. For those of you who have never purchased an adult coloring book back in its heyday, search online for coloring pages that you can download and print for free.

4. Needlework
Channel your inner Vera Wang and get busy with the needle. The last time you picked up a sewing machine may have been way back in a home economics class, but why not give it another whirl? You can even make your own face mask! Once you feel more confident pulling threads, you can delve into all kinds of needlework like crocheting, knitting, and cross-stitching.

5. Mixing Essential Oils
If you’re an essential oil junkie, you probably own countless untouched bottles, tucked away underneath your bathroom sink. Don’t let them go unused – watch tutorials on DIY products you can make a home that involve essential oils. You’ll find mixing your own concoctions enjoyable – just like the experiments you did in chemistry class! These mixes can help combat stress, anxiety, promote sleep, relaxation, and even help clean your home naturally!

6. Writing
Remember that diary you started years ago and never picked up since? Make a pact with yourself to dedicate a few minutes every day to fill in those pages! It can be as simple as jotting down a few thoughts as they come and pass. If you feel inspired enough, why not take a stab at poetry? You might find that you have a knack at creative writing – or you could just have fun coming up with witty rhymes!

7. Yoga
Looking for a holistic hobby to work the mind, body, and spirit? What better way to spend your time than beginning your yoga practice! Even if you’ve never attended a yoga class in your life, there’s no need to be intimidated – there are several beginner-friendly routines online led by kind and motivational yoga instructors. Ready to try out some hobbies from this list? You never know – you might even discover a newfound talent!